grooper-2022-logoYou've been at it for quite a while now. Modeling data and building automated processes all day
takes a lot of patience, thought, and experimentation.

If you're like most of us, you've developed your
own techniques, implementation strategies, and standardization along the way.

The problem is the work you did six months ago isn't near the quality of the work you're doing today. And the approach is not the same. Your environment has inevitably become the victim of copy, paste, clone, reference, move, rename, publish, share, delete, etc. Objects are referenced in ways you never intended, creating errors that are difficult to troubleshoot. And you've found it difficult to keep your models N-Sync between multiple environments.

Enter: The Projects Structure

In Grooper 2022, we’ve designed a new architectural strategy built around PROJECTS that will make this unmanageable web of references disappear forever.

Join us for our first Grooper 2022 webinar, as we introduce this concept and show you the path to a cleaner tree node organization and a better method for repurposing your work as part of future endeavors.

In this webinar, we'll cover:

  1. The benefits of the new architecture
  2. The basic steps to upgrade your existing work
  3. Key ways to decide if the new Projects structure is right for you (You can continue to work without projects after upgrading)

Check out the Webinar Here