The 4 Best Document Scanning Services in Oklahoma City

by Brad Blood | October 21, 2019

Needing to manage a large archive of physical documents?

Chances are you’ll want to digitize them at some point. Finding a document scanning vendor in Oklahoma City that fits your unique and important needs is important.

We’re often asked “If we don’t choose BIS, who would you recommend?” That’s why we’ve made a list of 4 of the best document scanning services companies in Oklahoma City.

While our document scanning services are located in Oklahoma City, and though we are SOC II compliant and leverage document AI software to guarantee results, we understand that you might still want to consider all of your options before choosing a vendor.Oklahoma document scanning services

We aren’t afraid to talk about our competition because we believe that by providing helpful, honest, and transparent content, we're instilling trust. Plus, it’s the just the right thing to do. We’re thrilled to answer all your questions, and are happy you’ve found us.

Reviews of the Best Document Scanning in Oklahoma City:

ImageNet Consulting

When it comes to creating a paperless office and freeing up office space, these guys are the pros. They’ve been in the office tech business since 1956. They started optimizing workflows with scanning technology in 2002.

If your goals include adopting a new content management solution or updating your paperless workflows, ImageNet is a great option.

document scanning oklahoma city


Check out our map of where document scanning services in Oklahoma City are located.

Midcon Data Services

Midcon’s recent purchase of GET Imaging makes them a powerful contender. With a records conversion history that dates back to the late 90’s, they have a proven track record. They process all types of physical documents, including micrographics and well logs.

If you need long-term storage and basic scanning to electronic files, Midcon’s sizable facilities offer both.

Southwest Solutions Group

Southwest is a 50+ year old company offering a wide variety of services to a diverse range of industries. They focus on all things resource productivity. This includes floor / vertical space, info systems, security, and workers.

They offer onsite scanning, RFID tracking for documents, and will even scan a box of records for free.


With a strong IT background, DocuScanGuys serves many industries with onsite or remote document scanning. They operate in Texas and Oklahoma.

They are a good solution for high-volume scanning projects for well-organized archives that don’t require data to be pulled out and put into a database.

One Final Review - BIS, Inc.

Although it would be just as easy for you to choose a different document scanning company in the area, choosing BIS as your scanning services vendor will give you confidence that you’ve maximized the potential of your physical records.scanning service Oklahoma city

We believe document scanning without data integration is a missed opportunity. With the increasing value of data and new tools to process it, your paper and micrographics records archive is more valuable than ever.

Our team of over 20 scanning pros located here in Oklahoma City, combined with the best scanning software in the industry, will provide you with the most advanced document scanning services. Call us today!

Start Your Document Scanning Project

About the Author: Brad Blood

Senior Marketing Specialist at BIS

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We are proud to announce that Grooper software, as well as all software products under the BIS brand, is 100% Made in the USA. Every line of code, every feature, and every update stems from our dedicated team working diligently at our Oklahoma City headquarters. Additionally, our support services are exclusively provided by local talent based in our Headquarters office, ensuring that you receive firsthand, quality assistance every time. Our unwavering commitment to local expertise emphasizes our dedication to top-tier quality and innovation. Thank you for your continued trust in our homegrown solutions.